Sunday, January 15, 2012


I’m unsure what these tears mean,
The silent ones
That roll down my cheeks
And they strike me
As odd,
Because my heart feels so at ease.
My mind wants to race
With thoughts of fear
And insecurity,
But my soul is quiet,
At peace.
I’m okay.
I’ll wait.
I’m content to place
My trust in You,
To wait
For Your plan to unfold,
For joys yet untold.
I will place my whole
Broken heart in Your hands
With all the things I can’t quite understand,
And all the things I know
Too well.
Like how weak I am
On my own.

And maybe that’s the point
Of tears like these.
Not so much tears of sorrow
As of surrender and release.
They are the tears of one
Who thought she was strong
And realized,
By the grace of God,
She’s not.
But weakness is worthy of Love.
And that Love
Is where strength comes from.
And she can finally
Let go.
Stephanie M. Frakes
(January 14, 2012)