“If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him!” ~Matthew 7:11
One of the most important things that God revealed to me about His character this summer is that He is eternally faithful, faithful in every little detail and major need in our lives. More than that though, He is affectionate – not just loving, but truly affectionate – in His faithfulness. Now, I saw this time and time again while in China. I saw God’s gracious provision, His loving kindness, and His (sometimes less than) gentle conviction. I saw that He truly is a good Father full of affection for His children, but this realization started a bit before I left for China; it all started when I met Beth Moore.
Okay. I’ll level with you. I know this could come across as silly. Acting like Beth Moore is some kind of Super Christian Celebrity. I know she’s not. I know she’s human just like the rest of us. I also know that the same Holy Spirit who is living and active in her is living and active in me and you and every other woman who has committed her life to Christ. I know “there are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit distributes them” (1 Corinthians 12:4). And I pray that that’s an encouragement to you, my sisters. Still, Beth Moore is pretty cool, and God has used her writing to impact my life in tremendous ways. Now, on to the story.
My flight to Beijing departed from Houston, so my family and I spent the weekend there. We decided that on Sunday morning we would worship at the church that Beth Moore attends. I made some comment to my mom about how funny it would be to meet her. I knew the odds were next to nothing, since it’s such a large church and she probably travels a lot. Nevertheless, I did pray something like this before I went to bed, “God, I want to go to church tomorrow and worship you, but I will confess that it would be totally cool to run into Beth Moore. I won’t seek her out, but if you wanted to arrange that, it would really provide some great reassurance before I take off for China.” And that was that. We went to church the next morning, and enjoyed a great worship service. As we got up to leave, a very familiar head of blonde hair caught my eye. Sure enough, one aisle over and a row behind me, there was Beth. We were headed in the same direction too. Then someone stopped her right in front of me, giving me the opportunity to stop and introduce myself. It was a blessing, and I was shaking. Not because I was meeting Beth, but because I could see how God had orchestrated that moment just for me out of His love.
And here’s what I learned that day and what I hope you will hear today, beloved. God moves. God is always good and faithful in the lives of His children. He hears and answers even our silliest prayers. That day God reassured me that I was indeed following His will and that He would go with me. I didn’t need that. It wasn’t a life or death request. I would have still gotten on a plane for China the next day and had the adventure of a lifetime. That little moment was simply God giving a gift to His daughter to remind her of His faithful love and affection, to remind her that even though He is the God of the universe He cares and He knows how to give good gifts to His children and that that is His desire. God is present, and He is good in every moment.