Sunday, August 24, 2008

A New Dawn: A Connection to Joshua of Old, an Allegory

Here's a story God gave me the other day. I've felt really connected to the story of Joshua this summer and if you've read the book, you can understand why. The story of Joshua is one of new horizons, new lands, and the inevitable unknown. More than that though, it is a story of God's faithfulness and power. As I prepare for the first day of classes tomorrow, I stand at a strange vantage point. Looking one way, I see a vastness, a land waiting to be conquered, and yes, I feel fear. I wonder if I can face it. Looking back, I see the beauty of the land I know and I'm reminded of the huge victory that God brought this summer. I love it, and I already miss it, but thank God for the opportunity to move forward and continue on the journey to the promised land. It's not easy. I'll be that honest. Praise God, it's been amazing, but it's still hard. No matter what though, I'M BELIEIVING GOD! Enjoy! Stephanie<><
A New Dawn: A Connection to Joshua of Old, an Allegory
By: Stephanie M. Frakes
August 18, 2008

Staring into the distance too shocked to join in the victory celebration. Afraid that it was all just a dream, an elaborate story conjured up by my deep sub-conscious desires, I replay the events in my head once more. It was no dream. No question the battle was real, too real. I can still see the scars from before I was ready to fight back. The enemy had the power to crush me completely if I had not had the Almighty on my side. It was only in the confidence of His Spirit that I stood in battle for hours.

I looked at the sun. It moved across the sky in the same leisurely motion it always has, unfazed by my pain, almost mocking my struggles. I knew I was running out of time. If I lost the light, I would lose the battle as well. I cried out to the Almighty. I had no preconceptions of what He should do; I simply knew He needed to move… and quickly.

He heard my cries, and to my astonishment, I saw the sun stand still. This manifestation of His faithfulness gave me strength, and now, as I fought, each blow made me stronger, and each fall taught me new and unsearchable things until finally the enemy was defeated. The camp received me with great joy and they too marveled at the work of the Almighty. The victory was real. The sun truly stood still. Glory!

But now I stare into the distance and the sky fills with the familiar orange, pink and purple hues that signal sunset. I realize it’s time to move on and my heart sinks a little bit. What will happen in the dark? How long must I wait for a new dawn? Will I ever see His glory like that again? Will I remember this moment and His faithfulness, or will I lose sight of it all as day fades into day?

As purple fades into a deep, deep blue, I smile, for the Almighty whispers to me, “The sun sets, and the dawn breaks, but I never change. As the sun stood still in battle, so I stand every moment. Simply learn to believe.”

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