Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Around Campus

Well, the first cold front of the season blew in last night and it is a gorgeous morning. As I walked outside I think I truly understood the concept of God's mercy being new every morning and the motif of a new song. There's just something about that fresh morning air just after sunrise that makes me smile, despite that fact that I'm awake just after sunrise. haha. Anyway, I thought now would be a good time to share a couple of pictures from my favorite places around campus. I'll get some more later. Enjoy!

Singing a new song,

Jacob's Dream at Sunset - This is my favorite place on campus!

The Bible Building

Jacob's Dream - This is the gate. Neat illusion.

Williams Performing Arts Center - I spend a lot of time there.

Hardin Administration Building - Honors Program Headquarters

McDonald Hall - Dorm Sweet Dorm

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