Friday, October 18, 2013

Five Minute Friday - Laundry

Five minutes to write.  Throw perfectionism out the window...


So Sunday is always laundry day for me.  I sort and pile in and pull out and fold and hang, but never iron.  I probably should... But I never iron.  And there is something soothing in it.  A million little gifts.  Like the smell of clean clothes.  Or the warmth of sheets coming out of the dryer.  Putting in something messy and coming out with something clean.  Sorting things into piles.  Putting things back in their place.  And don't forget the amazing feel of fresh sheets at the end of the day.  A million little gifts.

Because I need those reminders.  That messes can be made new.  That work is worth the effort, even if it doesn't always seem like it.  That sticking through the mundane is good.  That it won't all fall apart if I break away from it.  It's good to find some semblance of order in a chaotic world.  It's kind of like how I go and scrub the dishes when I'm frustrated over our last phone call, because I just need to be reminded some days that I can make a mess of things but it's not the end.  There is cleansing and redemption of the worst messes.  I believe that.  I really do.  I don't live like it some days but I believe there is always Hope.  So here is my reminder and yours today.  Take your messy and let Him make it new.  Call it trite, call it cliche.  I call it true. We live on the brink of Redemption.


Five Minute Friday


Kelly said...

Thank you for this: "That messes can be made new." I love that God sends us reminders of grace even in the ordinary things.

lydsrich said...

As someone living in the midst of much physical mess and chaos, this is a great reminder that this mess and chaos is really a blessing. :)

Cherise L. C. said...

I noticed that the tagline at the top of your blog is from "Hinds Feet on High Places", and I couldn't help but comment! I love that book. (It's actually the reason I named my blog "A Pile of Pebbles.")