Friday, October 4, 2013

Five Minute Friday - Write

And I feel like I've only barely made it through this week.  So five minutes of free writing helps me to breathe as I finish out.  Here's to one more week of trying to live in Freedom.  Freedom from perfectionism and performance.  Freedom to walk in the presence of God.


Sometimes it all seems so convoluted.  And when the anxiety rises it feels like the blood stops flowing.  And the stress can silence the tongue and stop the heart.  And the clenched fists... they hurt.  So I unwrap the fingers slowly.  Pick up the pen.  And when it feels like the blood has stopped flowing, somehow the flow of ink helps.  

And the words move from heart to hand to page and I am reminded of The Word.  The Word who became flesh and pitched His tent among us.  And the simplicity that He chose?  It makes my life feel a little simpler too.  Because in the wake of His Beauty chaos feels so small.  Things start to make sense and so I write and write and write.  And when I don't?  I feel it.  Because the flow of ink promotes the flow of the Spirit.  And Ann said it... write the gifts.  And my mentor in high school said it... write.  Oh yes.  That journal she gave me for graduation.  That one word.  Write.  Did she know that it would take me back to the One Word?  Martin Luther says you can change the world with a pen.  Maybe she knew that too.

So even when it's hard, I write.  Because it fills the soul and reminds me that He is writing my story and He holds my heart and He is good and gives good gifts.


Five Minute Friday


LeeAnn@Encouragement Is Contagious said...

Hi Stephanie! My first time to your sweet blog and my first time to write 5 minutes for Five Minute Friday.

I understand fully what your heart says about the need to get it all down with ink onto paper/journal. I think God put in us that outlet so we could be freed to enjoy the moments that come next in our lives. I like your quote so much about "Because the flow of the ink promotes the flow of the Spirit". That is so profound and true. Thank you so much for sharing your heart.

It's nice to meet you.
Lee Ann

Anonymous said...

I love your thoughts on this. The word became flesh.....such an amazing reminder. I can relate to what you are saying about the flow of ink coming out of you. I found you through FMF, I'm so glad that I stumbled upon your blog.