Sunday, October 26, 2014

31 Days of Trusting Grace - Day 26 - A Prayer for the Week...

Lord, as we prepare for another week, we realize we have a choice.  We can either look at all the unknowns ahead and wonder what they will hold - celebration or hardship, good news or bad, happiness or sorrow, rejoicing or lament?  Or we can look to you and wonder at the way your sovereign hand holds it all and your gracious heart holds us close.  Lord, teach us to look to you.

For you are a good God.  A God of sufficiency and joy and peace.  A God of stability and security.  You are our Hope like an anchor.  You know all we will face and nothing is beyond your grasp.  You who gave your only Son, how will you not also, along with Him, graciously give us all things?  God, there is no fear here.  We will be a people of courage because we are a people held by your Grace.  We will be a people of radical generosity because you withhold no good thing from us.  We will be a people who See because you heal the blind.  We will be a people who praise and dance because you break the chains that hold lips mute and bodies lame.  We will be a people who are fully here because you never waste people, time, or circumstances.  We will be a people who rise above our circumstances because you rose from the dead.

We will be a people immersed in your Spirit because apart from you we cannot live.

We are your people.  We look to you.  Draw us near, Lord.  Amen.

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